domingo, 19 de setembro de 2010

World Conference on Constitutional Justice

Since 1996, the Veice Commission has established co-operation with a number of regional or language based groups of constitutional courts, in particular the Conference of European Constitutional Courts, the Association of Constitutional Courts using the French Language, the Southern African Judges Commission, the Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of Countries of Young Democracy, a number of Asian constitutional courts, the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils and the Ibero-American Conference of Constitutional Justice.

In the pursuit of the goal of uniting these groups and their members, the Commission organised for the first time a World Conference on Constitutional Justice, which was held in Cape Town, South Africa on 23-24 January 2009 in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of South Africa and which gathered together 9 regional or linguistic groups and 93 courts.
On the basis of a declaration adopted at this occasion, the Venice Commission assists a Bureau in the establishment of the World Conference as a permanent body. At their first meeting in Mexico in April 2009, the Bureau prepared a draft statute, which was discussed at another meetings of the Bureau on 12 December 2009 and 5 June 2010 in Venice together with questions of the organisation a second Congress (Conference).
The Bureau decided that the 2nd Congress should be held upon the invitation of the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro on 16-18 January 2011 on the topic the “Separation of Powers and Independence of Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Bodies” according to the concept below.

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